Installation of Sitecore Horizon

In my last article, I explained Sitecore Horizon. Below is the link for the same.

Now in this article, I am going to explain the process of installing Sitecore Horizon.


1. Make sure that your Sitecore Content Management site is running with HTTPS.

2. Enable support for WebSocket Protocol in Turn Windows features on or off.

3. Make sure .NET Core 2.1 is installed on your system.

Steps to install Sitecore Horizon

Step 1: Go to the Sitecore Downloads site and find Sitecore Horizon. (Link provided at last)

Step 2: Download the version of Horizon according to your Sitecore Instance version and extract it. For example, if your Sitecore Instance version is 10.2 then download Sitecore Horizon 10.2.0 version.

Step 3: Now open the InstallHorizon.ps1 file in any code editor. (Visual Studio Code, Notepad, etc.)

Step 4: Now modify the InstallHorizon.ps1 script file according to your Sitecore Instance. The fields that are needed to be edited or updated are $horizonInstanceName, $sitecoreCmInstanceName, $sitecoreAdminPassword, $identityServerPoolName, $licensePath, $enableContentHub, $enableSXA, $topology.

Except these fields don't update any other field.

Note: Browsers such as Chrome have changed their interpretation of the SameSite cookie. Due to this, the Horizon will only work if the Sitecore Horizon Instance name, the Sitecore CM Instance name, and the Sitecore Identity Server pool Instance name belong to the same site.

param (
  [string]$horizonInstanceName = "",
  [string]$horizonPhysicalPath = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\$horizonInstanceName",
  [string]$horizonAppUrl = "https://$horizonInstanceName",
  [string]$sitecoreCmInstanceName = "",
  [string]$sitecoreAdminPassword = "b",
  [string]$sitecoreCmInstanceUrl = "https://$sitecoreCmInstanceName",
  [string]$sitecoreCmInstanceInternalUrl = $sitecoreCmInstanceUrl,
  [string]$sitecoreCmInstancePath = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\$sitecoreCmInstanceName",
  [string]$identityServerPoolName = "",
  [string]$identityServerUrl = "https://$identityServerPoolName",
  [string]$identityServerPhysicalPath = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\$identityServerPoolName",
  [string]$solrCorePrefix = $($sitecoreCmInstanceName),
  [string]$licensePath = "D:\Sitecore\Sitecore License\license.xml",
  [bool]$enableContentHub = $false,
  [bool]$enableSXA = $true,
  [ValidateSet("XP", "XM")]
  [string]$topology = "XP"

Step 5: After updating the InstallHorizon.ps1 script open a PowerShell in admin mode and execute the InstallHorizon.ps1 script using the below syntax. Running of the script creates the Horizon website with the relevant parameters you specified in the script file.


You may receive an Execution Policy error. Then you must execute the below command to unrestrict policy and then try to execute the InstallHorizon.ps1 script again.

Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass

Step 6: Installation will take 2-3 minutes after that check if Horizon has been installed.

Sitecore Horizon will be visible in the Sitecore Launchpad. Clicking on the Horizon will redirect to the newly created Horizon URL.

Important Links


That's all for Today, Happy Coding 😃

Chirag Goel

I am a developer, likes to work on different future technologies.

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