Sitecore 10 Features

Sitecore 10 comes with all the features of previous versions and adds three additional core features you can use in your Sitecore Projects. These features are Sitecore 10 with containers, new Sitecore Content Serialization, and the ASP.NET Core Rendering SDK.

I am going to explain each of them in brief.

Sitecore 10 with Containers

Docker is an open-source tool for creating, deploying, and running applications with containers. Sitecore has released images to our container registry with Sitecore 10, including a reference Docker Compose file, and a Kubernetes Spec for deploying to Kubernetes in production. Some of the benefits of Sitecore with Containers are -

It makes the development experience easier and more efficient.

It provides a lower cost of ownership for customers and partners. As a customer, containerization will help you to avoid the increase in the cost of servers and on-premise equipment by using a cloud-based service.

You can reset them quickly and return to a healthy state if something wrong happens.

Your development environment will be much more stable and you do not need to worry about breaking the Sitecore instance and then spending your entire day reinstalling Sitecore.

You do not need to worry about concerns that your code will work only for you due to environmental discrepancies.

You will no longer have to spend an entire day setting up an environment and Visual Studio solution for your project. You will be able to clone your code repository and run a docker-compose up.

You can isolate each client instance and dependencies so you can shift easily and efficiently between different client projects.

Sitecore Content Serialization

Serialization of content helps in controlling what to release, as well as when and why. Sitecore 10 introduces a new standardized DevOps friendly tool for serialization that includes the best of both Unicorn as well as TDS. Developers can serialize any Developer owned or demo content to migrate or sync between different Sitecore instances. The tooling is built around a new command-line interface (CLI), allowing you to log in, manage, and publish items directly from the command line. Moreover, Sitecore has created a Visual Studio plug-in named Sitecore for Visual Studio which allows you to configure and sync your serialized content from Visual Studio.

Sitecore Content Serialization works with JSON-based module configuration that stays within your source control and is local to where the CLI runs. The Sitecore for Visual Studio plug-in provides a GUI wrapper around the command line functionality.

These options operate independently which allows you to choose your preferred development style without being restricted to using the same tool as other Developers on your team.

ASP.NET Core Rendering SDK

The ASP.NET Core Rendering SDK is similar to Sitecore's JavaScript SDKs (JSS). It also provides the headless rendering development option. It helps developers to rapidly develop independently running ASP.NET Core web applications using headless APIs similar to Sitecore JSS.

Using this SDK allows developers to implement Sitecore-based routines and components while retaining support for Sitecore XP functionality, such as the Experience Editor, tracking, analytics, and personalization.


That's all for today
Chirag Goel

I am a developer, likes to work on different future technologies.

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